1. Log into your account and locate the My NFIRs App on the home page and click on +New to open up a new NFIRS report

2. Basic is the first page on the report and it contains all basic information about the report

3. The Apparatus tab has to do with equipment used during operation. Click on +New to add new apparatus

Fill in information for apparatus and then shit save changes to save 

4. The Personnel tab is a tab that contains the information of crew members involved in that operation. Click on it to reveal field and then click on +New to add each crew members

Fill-in information for personnel and then click on save changes to save.

5. The Narrative tab is where you narrate event/incident in your own words or add other necessary details with no options for it on the report. To generate a template for a narrative then you click on the Generate Narrative option to pop up field for templates 

Generate template seen below

6. The Document tab is for uploading documents related or necessary to the report. Click on upload to upload document

Click on drop files here to upload to reveal files to upload

Choose your desired file to upload then click on upload to upload file 

7. Click on your Name/ email address for a drop down and click on Submit on the drop down to submit. Mind you, a validation would be carried out when submit is click to check for errors or you can manually check for that by clicking on the ! sign where you have the arrow pointing downwards.