Administrators can easily set up scheduled transports by following these steps: 

  1. From the left navigation menu, select EMS Admin > Scheduled Transports.

  1. On the Transports page, click Add new to schedule a future transport that will be handled by the agency. 

  1. A window will be available where the administrator should fill out the details for the transport.

Note: There are multiple tabs available (Transport Details, Mileage Details, Driver Details, and Insurance Information).

Transport Details Tab

On this tab, the administrator can place the who, what, why, where, and how of the transport. 

The Patient field will pull information from the list of patients that is entered in your agency. Upon clicking Select Patient, it will show the list of patients.

For the fields which require an address, the administrator can freely type the patient address or use the Facility button to select from the destinations that are listed on their agency. 

Mileage Details Tab

In this tab, the administrator will be able to see the mileage calculation of the transport. 

Note: If the “Is Return Trip” checkbox is ticked, it will add another set of fields for the return trip mileage calculation. 

Driver Details Tab

In this tab, the administrator can enter who shall be the designated driver for the transport and the van/vehicle number that will be used. 

Insurance Details Tab

In this tab, the administrator can enter the patient’s insurance information. To do this, click on New at the top of the window and this will open a new window with fields relating to insurance information.