Administrators can assign checksheets which are to be submitted by a user. The checksheets help an agency to have an overview of what needs to be replenished or fixed when it comes to their supplies, devices, and vehicles. 

To assign a checksheet, follow these steps: 

  1. From the left navigation menu, select General Admin and then click CheckSheets.

  1. This will open the CheckSheets Admin page. On the right corner, click Assign CheckSheet.

  1. On the modal that will appear, administrators can then select which CheckSheet template they would like to assing, who will they assign it to, the status of the checksheet (default will be NotStarted) and the due date of when the checksheet should be done. 

  Click Save.

  1. After saving, the assigned user will be able to see the checksheet on their account’s homepage under My CheckSheets.