Administrators can use the tagging feature of CloudPCR to give another user access to a specific report if there are changes or additional information needed. 

To use this feature, follow these steps: 

  1. From the left navigation menu, select EMS Admin and then click on QA PCRs

  1. Search for the PCR where the user must be tagged. Then click the Actions menu and select Note.

  1. On the text field, type @ to view the list of users in the agency then choose the user that needs to have access to the PCR. Then click Submit

  1. This will send an email notification to the tagged user with a link to the PCR where they have been tagged in. 

    Remember: If the tagged user is not the creator of the PCR, the PCR where they have been tagged in will not appear on their My PCRs list in the homepage. The PCR will only be accessible through the link that is included in the email.