This guide will help users on how to add a patient medication in a PCR. 

1. Create a new PCR or edit an existing PCR. 

2. From the left navigation menu, select the Patient tab. Here, users will see the Patient Medications section.


3.To add a medication, click New or Quick Add

Upon clicking New:

This will open a new modal where users can input a patient’s medication, dosage, and route. Click Save Changes.

Alternatively, users can also select the Quick Add

This will open the modal for all medications available for selection. However, using Quick Add will not show the Dose, Unit, and Route--to modify these fields, users must click on the edit button after the selected medication has been added to the list as seen on Step #5 of this help article. 

4. If the patient does not have any medication, users can easily record this by clicking None. This will automatically fill out the field with None Reported. 

5. To edit or delete a recorded medication, users can use the action buttons available for each medication.