Basic and special input controls:


Text box
User will see different text box fields throughout the entire PCR.


When fields have multiple answers we have inserted dropdown fields for the user to easily select an option.


Date Picker
The date picker field works as a calendar. The user selects the date applicable.


Time Stamper
The time stamper allows the user to easily insert time for the arrival times, departure times, etc. with just a click of a button.


Calculated fields
There are several calculated fields throughout the PCR that will automatically convert information like temperatures (Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa) and weight (Pounds to Kilograms and vice versa).


Custom Value Box
Whenever the user sees a dropdown field, the users will also have a custom-value field so that the user can insert a different option than what is currently listed.


CAD integration fields
In the user’s created PCR, the user will see certain fields that the application will be able to have automatically filled out for the user if the user have integrated the user’s agency CAD system with ours.


12 Lead integration field
There are fields within the user’s PCR that can automatically be calculated by connecting the user’s 12 lead to your device.