It is important to make sure that PCRs have the correct fields filled out and have accurate information. Our validation process takes care of that for our users, not only does the validation feature point out what information is missing but upon clicking on the error, it will take the user to the field that needs attention in the PCR.

To use the validation feature, please follow these steps: 

1. After filling out a PCR, click on the exclamation point icon on top of the page. 

2. The list of validation errors will be shown and when users click on the item in the validation errors window, they will be redirected to that specific field and it will be highlighted in yellow. 

In the example above, upon clicking Type of Location from the validation errors window, the field in the PCR form was highlighted in yellow. 

3. After filling out the fields listed in the validation errors window, refresh it by clicking on the refresh button inside the window. 

4. Once all validation errors have been corrected, the window will show No errors and the PCR can now be submitted.