When creating a report, administrators can use the column chooser function to modify the report or grid they see on their Data/Analytics tab which they can also export into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
To use the column chooser function, follow these steps:
1. From the homepage, select the Data/Analytics tab from the left navigation menu then click ePCR Grid Reporting.
2. Click on the column chooser button to show all other available columns that can be dragged into the grid.
3. From the column chooser, drag and drop the name of the column into the grid.
In this example, after searching for the columns available for resuscitation, the field Resuscitation Attempted by EMS is added into the grid beside the Incident Number column.
4. To remove a column from the grid, click on the column chooser and drag the column to remove into the column chooser window.
In this example, the Age column is removed by dragging the column inside the column chooser window.