The narrative template generator is a feature for administrators to create a narrative template which all users can apply to their PCRs with just a click of a button. 

It may seem a little challenging at first but upon understanding how the system works, creating a narrative template is easy and fast. To create a narrative template, follow these steps: 

1. As an administrator, click on the App Configs from the left navigation menu. Select ePCR then Narrative Templates

2. Click Create new narrative.

3. On the editor, enter the desired name of the template being created. Then on the left text field, type in the narrative template. 

4. For the narrative template to pull information from the PCR, a separate instruction can be found by clicking on the Help icon. 

The Help icon will open a set of instructions on how to make the template pull information from the PCR by using Element Tokens {{NEMSIS Code}}. 

5. Once done, click Save. On the narrative templates list, the newly created template will be available for editing or deletion.