
You can add the following information:

Incident date

Unit Notified - The date/time the responding unit was notified by dispatch.

En Route - The date/time the unit responded; that is, the time the vehicle started moving. If En Route time is earlier than the Unit Notified time, En Route, On Scene, Left Scene, Destination, and In Service date will automatically display the next day date.

On Scene - The date/time the responding unit arrived on the scene; that is, the time the vehicle stopped moving at the scene. If On Scene time is earlier than the En Route time, On Scene, Left Scene, Destination, and In Service date will automatically display the next day date.

Left Scene - The date/time the responding unit left the scene with a patient (started moving). If Left Scene time is earlier than the On Scene time, On Scene, Left Scene, Destination, and In Service date will automatically display the next day date.

Destination  - The date/time the responding unit arrived with the patient at the destination or transfer point. If Destination time is earlier than the Left Scene time, Left Scene, Destination, and In Service date will automatically display the next day date.

In Service - The date/time the unit back was back in service and available for response (finished with call, but not necessarily back in home location). If In Service time is earlier than the Destination time,  In Service date will automatically display the next day date.

Quick tip: Clicking on the clock icon allows you to timestamp automatically.