The check-in check out system is designed to ensure all data saves properly, it is especially important when switching between devices. This means if you start your PCR on a laptop, save it to the server and then open it back up to edit on a desktop that all data is properly loaded.
How does the system work?
When creating a PCR, a local copy is saved into the device cache of the browser you are using. After syncing the chart and returning to the MyPCR page you will see this icon:
The blue icon indicates that this PCR is "Checked-out" on this device. While this icon is showing, the PCR will not be accessible from any other device. If you attempt to open this PCR on another device you will see this icon:
An admin will be able to Discard a check-in by navigating to the QA PCR's screen, clicking on Actions>Discard Checkout:
WARNING: Discarding a checkout MAY result in loss of data! Use only as a last resort to ensure that all data is saved correctly.